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Dental Implants: A Guide for Seniors

If you are a senior considering dental implants, you may have to worry about issues other dental patients don't have to think about. For example, you may need more time to recover after receiving your implants. My name is Jodi, and I've been working with seniors for years. I decided to create this blog to help the seniors I can't meet in person. In this space, I'm going to post entries on everything related to dental implants and seniors. From tips on flossing implants after arthritis has claimed some of your dexterity, to guiding you through the implants-vs-dentures debate, this blog is designed for you. Thanks for reading. I hope you find what you need!



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Dental Implants: A Guide for Seniors

Debunking Myths About Denture Implants

by Jimmy Carter

When a missing tooth leaves you feeling as though there's a void in your smile, you might want to consider denture implants. However, when you start looking into the topic, you may stumble across some myths that deter you from visiting your dentist. Here are a few to remain mindful of, and the truths that debunk them.

The Surgery Is Painful

Yes, denture implants require a form of oral surgery. But as with any other field, dental surgery isn't always painful. Your dentist may need to remove anything that remains of your damaged or partially missing tooth. From there, they'll make a small space in your jawbone so that implantation can take place. They'll then fit the implant and provide you with information on how to care for the wound afterward. In some cases, your dentist may be able to use a minimally invasive technique. However, this can depend on the condition of your jawbone. Overall, the surgery may result in a small amount of discomfort, but it shouldn't feel painful.

You Must Be Healthy

To a degree, you do need a good state of oral health to benefit from implants. This makes sense, as your dentist will create a surgical wound that needs a hygienic environment for healing. However, you don't need excellent overall health for implantation to take place. Your dentist will look at your overall oral health to assess whether any preparatory work should take place before the surgery. For example, treating gum disease. But if you do have an underlying medical condition elsewhere, they'll assess you on a case-by-case basis. A good example of this is diabetes; they'll likely want to know that you control it well. 

You're Too Old for Implants

You may believe that you're too old for implants. This myth comes from the idea that bone healing can only take place during certain stages of your life. As your implants will sit in your jawbone, bone healing is necessary for the surgery to be successful. However, bone healing can occur well into your later years. As such, you shouldn't let your age act as a barrier to requesting that your dentist assess your suitability. In a small number of cases, they may decide that your bone structure isn't strong enough. However, there's still a chance that they can refer you to a dentist who can perform a specialist technique.

If you have any concerns about denture implants, speak with your dentist. It's important that they have the chance to assess you as an individual and create an appropriate treatment plan. 
