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Dental Implants: A Guide for Seniors

If you are a senior considering dental implants, you may have to worry about issues other dental patients don't have to think about. For example, you may need more time to recover after receiving your implants. My name is Jodi, and I've been working with seniors for years. I decided to create this blog to help the seniors I can't meet in person. In this space, I'm going to post entries on everything related to dental implants and seniors. From tips on flossing implants after arthritis has claimed some of your dexterity, to guiding you through the implants-vs-dentures debate, this blog is designed for you. Thanks for reading. I hope you find what you need!



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Dental Implants: A Guide for Seniors

How to Get Toothpaste Build-up out of Toothbrush Bristles

by Jimmy Carter

It never fails. You get a new, clean toothbrush out of the pack, determined to keep it clean, and by the time you're done brushing your teeth, there's a layer of toothpaste wedged against the brush's base, amongst all the bristles. It often seems resistant to just about everything you do to remove it until it dries out so much that the layer breaks apart, but waiting that long does not seem like the most hygienic way to approach it. How do you get that layer out?

Take More Time to Rinse With Warm Water

First, when you rinse the brush out after brushing your teeth, take some time to rinse the brush with warm water and not cold. You want to soften the layer if at all possible to make it easier to wear away under a stream of water. Also, turn up the water pressure and speed; a small trickle from the faucet won't apply enough force to affect the layer of toothpaste. Move the bristles with your fingers in different directions so that they start to push the toothpaste layer around, loosening it.

Toothpicks Always Work

Of course, using up all that water isn't possible in some areas; if you're under a drought warning, the last thing you want to do is spend several minutes running your toothbrush under drinking water. You can always take a toothpick and quickly shove most of the layer out from amongst the bristles and rinse the remainder away. If you want to reduce waste, use a plastic or metal toothpick that you can wash after you're done and then reuse the next time another layer of toothpaste gets stuck (which will probably be the next time you brush your teeth).

Be Sure It's Just Toothpaste

Most of the time, this layer is just toothpaste. If you've used a new brush, of course, then it's definitely just toothpaste. But if you've started noticing discolouration, discard the toothbrush. It could be developing (and yes, this is disgusting) bacteria or mould if you haven't been storing it properly. When you clean your toothbrush after brushing, you have to let it dry. If you store it in a case, ensure the ventilation holes in the case are not blocked.

If you notice bleeding or other discolouration right after you brush your teeth, contact your dentist. You want to make sure your gums and teeth are doing all right.
