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Dental Implants: A Guide for Seniors

If you are a senior considering dental implants, you may have to worry about issues other dental patients don't have to think about. For example, you may need more time to recover after receiving your implants. My name is Jodi, and I've been working with seniors for years. I decided to create this blog to help the seniors I can't meet in person. In this space, I'm going to post entries on everything related to dental implants and seniors. From tips on flossing implants after arthritis has claimed some of your dexterity, to guiding you through the implants-vs-dentures debate, this blog is designed for you. Thanks for reading. I hope you find what you need!



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Dental Implants: A Guide for Seniors

Choose the Right Type of Dental Prosthetic

by Jimmy Carter

Choosing the right dental prosthetic can be a tough process. There exist many varieties of prosthesis, and each has its own particular benefits. Whether your needs are purely aesthetic, or if your oral health is impacting negatively on your day-to-day life, a visit to the prosthodontist can give you a healthy, white smile.

Below are the primary types of dental prosthetic, and the situations in which each one is preferable.


A crown fixes a single tooth, fitting over the tooth like a sleeve. A crown is able to protect a tooth that is damaged while also significantly improving its aesthetic appeal.

Crowns are generally made of porcelain, a very hard material which is quite similar to the original tooth. Porcelain contains no metals, so it is perfect for anyone that has a metal allergy. If you only have a few damaged teeth, crowns may be the perfect choice.


While a crown's function is to protect individual damaged teeth, a bridge's function is to replace a row of several adjacent teeth. Unlike crowns, bridges cannot be constructed purely from porcelain. Porcelain, while being a very hard material, has a relatively low bending strength, and so it is not suitable for several teeth in a row.

The best material for bridges is ceramic zirconium dioxide. Like porcelain, zirconium dioxide is completely metal free, and aesthetically lifelike. However, it has the bending strength necessary to support a bridge.

If you are missing several teeth in a row, opt for a bridge.

Implant-Supported Prosthetics

The one drawback of crowns and bridges is that they require existing teeth to be present. A crown covers an existing tooth like a sleeve, while a bridge is fixed to adjacent teeth.

In the case of single, isolated missing teeth, an implant is used. Essentially, a prosthetic root is implanted into the gum, to which a prosthetic (such as a crown) can be fixed.

Implant prosthetics are perfect if you have a few, non-adjacent teeth missing.

Removable Prosthetics

While many people prefer fixed prosthetics, removable prosthetic technology has greatly improved in recent years. These days, not only are removable prosthetics much more aesthetically appealing, they are also much more comfortable and functional.

Removable prosthetics are fixed to an implant, and are generally the best option for complete tooth loss. Much less implanting is needed when compared with bridges, making them a comfortable (and cost effective) option.

Removable prosthetics have the added benefit of easy adjustment. If any modifications need to be made, the prosthetic can simply be removed and wound up by a prosthodontist in your area.
